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Communication tower series

Communication tower belongs to a kind of towers, also called towers or signal tower, the main function to support the signal, do support for signal transmitting antenna, used in mobile, unicom, telecom, satellite positioning system (GPS), and other communications department of transportation.


Keyword: Communication tower series


Product Description

● Communication tower belongs to a kind of towers, also called towers or signal tower, the main function to support the signal, do support for signal transmitting antenna, used in mobile, unicom, telecom, satellite positioning system (GPS), and other communications department of transportation.
● Low communication Tate point and purpose
1. Communication tower: divided into ground communications tower, communication tower on the roof (also called a communications tower) regardless of the user to select, hills, mountains,or the roof of a tower on the ground, rack high communication antenna effect.
2. Increase communication or TV transmitting service radius, achieve the ideal professional communication effect. In addition the roof also plays communication tower building lightningproof grounding, beautiful, aviation warning.

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